CiViL at Hillwood HS - Show Our Love
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Our first goal will provide enough personal care itms for 25 Show Our Love care packs!
CiViL Service - Show Our Love
The Students of CiViL are raising funds to provide the following items that will be distributed to local kids in need.
Items Needed:
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste & Dental floss
- Antiperspirant/Deodorant
- Nail care items
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Leave-In Hair Conditioner
- Body wash & Soap
- Lip Balms & Lip gloss
- Wide-tooth Combs & Hair Brushes
- Hand & body Lotion
- Feminine hygiene products: Tampons, pads & panti-liners
- NEW small stuffed animals
- Socks for teens or children
Every day, students miss school just because they don't have items like these. School absences lead to failing grades and increases a student's risk of not graduating. We want to change this. With your help, we can!
Touchstone Youth Resource Services is a tax-exempt public charity (federal tax ID #62-1316818). All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
$5 One-Time
Will provide toothbrushes and toothpaste to anyone who needs them.
$10 One-Time
Will provide lotion and anti-perspirant to give a person social confidence in stressful situations.
$20 One-Time
Will provide shampoos and conditioners to ensure teens look and feel their best every day!
Donate Custom Amount
Choose your custom amount. Every dollar makes a difference.