Join Shantel and SoCal Climb's Team DD 2021 in Support of the Lung Association!
Help me support the American Lung Association's mission of saving lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. Because when you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.
First I want to start by sharing my gratitude… to you… yes YOU as you read this! I am astounded how many of you have participated and donated to Team DD in support of lung cancer and lung health year after year, SO I want to start by thanking you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know how grateful I am to each of you for your generosity and love. We have carried on the legacy of my grandmother, Doris Dooyema, and all your loved ones, together as a force for change.
I made a promise to my grandmother, that I would continue on her fight and honor the life she bravely fought for. I wish I could tell her now, 7 years later, how our team continues to grow and give, and that TOGETHER we have raised almost $150,000! I know her story has helped save lives, brought some comfort to those who have also a loved one, and continues to educate people on lung cancer for nonsmokers and the deadly effects of radon. I know some of you may be new to my initiative and fight, so I encourage you to PLEASE take a moment and read my grandmother’s story below… it can save a life!
I am invigorated as we start another year of fundraising. Seeing the work we have done together even in the midst of a global pandemic encouraged me as I set our Team DD goal for this #FightForAirClimb of $20,007!!! I know that together we can raise awareness and funds that are so needed at this time.
I invite you to join me! Here’s how:
1. The #FightForAirClimb is an event taking place on May 1st & 2nd, and while I will find some mountain to climb here in California, thanks to technology, you can ALL join me from anywhere in the world. It will be a virtual event with all of you on my Instagram live, as we climb and fight for air together. I ask you to join me on one or both of the days... find some stairs, a mountain, or maybe a hill and climb. My hope is we can raise funds and show our support for patients struggling with lung health right now. As always, I am creating some fun incentive programs for you to say thank you and keep it fun while we make a difference. I will post more details on the incentives and gifts for all you generous donors and participants! We can all find ways to make this fun and safe while doing it for a cause I truly have seen save lives.
2. As you give, I am creating some incentives as I mentioned above. However, just give what you can, I know it's been a very hard year for many. Please know that every dollar, every social media post, every conversation makes a difference. Remember you can always get out and educate others while you fundraise to reach your donation goal for Team DD! I always make an official team gift each year. This year it will be an originally designed bandana. I will also have some surprise giveaways during the coming months, so keep checking into my Instagram @therealshantal for more details each week!
3. I invite any sponsors to match our collective efforts. Last year, @kindest generously matched some of our donations. If you know of a company, foundation or individual that may want to do the same, please contact [email protected] to collaborate.
Here is my WHY:
If by now you don't know my Grandma's story, I want to share it here in hopes it inspires you to join our force!!!
About Grandma Doris and Her Fight Against Lung Cancer
Doris was one of the most influential people in my life and a living example of love to all who encountered her. She was a selfless, vibrant, goofy, healthy, NON-SMOKING 79-year-old woman. The brightest of souls and tough as they came! She had survived breast cancer 5 years before and knew to cherish each given breath. The day after her 60th wedding anniversary she went to the doctor and was told she had bronchitis. She remained sick for a while and was diagnosed weeks later with stage 4 lung cancer. The cancer was very aggressive and spread quickly. To our shock and despair, after less than 6 months, she was taken from us! It wasn’t until a year after her death that we found out the cause of her lung cancer.
Radon is the breaking down of uranium and was found in the soil around the basement of their home. It's odorless and colorless gas BUT can be tested for in homes ... if only we knew! The levels in their home and time of exposure eventually poisoned her and caused her lung cancer. I share this in the hopes that some may choose to test their homes and maybe, save a loved one.
Lung Cancer is the #1 Cancer Killer in Women in the U.S.
Radon causes over 21,000 deaths a year in the US alone, but it can be stopped! It wasn't until she was sick that I learned all these facts about lung cancer. I learned lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of women in America and the death rate has doubled in the last few decades. I learned there is no early detection methods and it can happen to anyone, INCLUDING non-smokers, like her. She told me before passing she wished to have more time to inspire people with her story. So, I carry on her desire each day now with her strength beating in my heart. In her absence, I have been given an opportunity.
The opportunity to share her story to help others. The opportunity to use my voice and outreach. The opportunity to fight alongside those who are fighting for lung health, healthy air and an end to this pandemic and let them know they aren't alone. But more than that, TOGETHER we have an opportunity to evoke change through the American Lung Association. Fighting lung disease takes victories in all forms and one dollar, one patient, one life and one breath at a time. I will do exactly this in honor of my Granny and hope you can be by my virtual side.
Join Me in the Fight Against COVID-19, Lung Cancer, and All Lung Health Threats. Together We Can Make a Difference!!!
I'm asking you to PLEASE join my Team DD, either again or for the first time. Yes we will take on this virtual workout in lieu of a community climb, but make no mistake. We are still a community. On May 1st and 2nd of 2021, we come together in #ClimbCA. 80+ Staircases, hiking trails, walking paths, living rooms and more. Hundreds of teams, hundreds of Climbers.
United we give, we climb, we heal, we fight... we find a cure!! All my gratitude and love ❤
Please note: money donated through this platform are subject to a 2.2% cc processing fee unless the donor opts to cover it. If you prefer that 100% go to the Lung Association, please click here and sign up.