Support Quality Day Foundation
Help us reach our year-end goal to raise $1,000 before 2021! Your gift truly saves lives and provides hope for individuals to break out of domestic violence.
Quality Day’s mission is to uplift those suffering from abuse!
We seek to eliminate domestic violence, while instilling self-worth and individualism! We provide a safe haven that promotes growth and healing, by significantly improving the mental health and well-being of men and women of the community through counseling, education, support, and advocacy.
Since its inception, Quality Day Foundation has served as a beacon of Hope for 75 women who needed a safe place to transition out of an abusive relationship and find healing in Dallas, TX.
Women like, Shae.
Shae's story is an "every woman's story." While her boyfriend never "physically" abused her, the psychological, emotional, and verbal abuse that was inflicted became so common that Shae started to believe the degrading and intrusive ideas told to her. Shae's self esteem became so low that when she realized that this was abuse, she was able to take a job out of state and change her number. Shae was lucky that she recognized the gaslighting that was inflicted on her.
Shae’s story reminds us all to never settle for less than you deserve and that it’s never too late to start over and find healing.
Shae says, “Thank you, Quality Day Foundation, for being there when I needed it."
P.S. To find out more about women like Shae's story of survival, hope, and healing, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also support our mission at Beadthepurpose.