Connect the Dots and Open Doors to Great Futures
Help us reach our goal of $25,000 in order to keep funding critical programs for youth. Our youth need continued support through virtual and on site programs, including mentoring, tutoring, arts & crafts, STEAM, health & fitness, and leadership.
Dear Valued Supporter:
Our blue door… Maybe you’ve seen it.
That blue door serves as a critical gateway to hundreds of area youth from the impoverished Pacoima community who cross the threshold to Boys and Girls Club of San Fernando Valley for safe recreation, homework assistance, coordinated activities, meals and adult supervision. Many of our ‘members’ consider this a second home while their parents are at work, possibly at your business enterprise. When they enter our 30,000-square-foot facility, these boys and girls leave behind their disadvantaged economic, social and family circumstances. Here, everyone is welcome, everyone is happy, everyone is safe and everyone has a promising future.
Please come through the iconic blue door and meet our youth. We have a future dancer, future chef, several future professional athletes, future first responders, future moms and dads, a future attorney, a future Broadway star, a future Supreme Court Judge, a future pet rescuer and possibly a future United States President. But before these budding futures can unfold, we must first address these children’s current needs and the sustainability of Boys and Girls Club of San Fernando Valley.
Honestly, meeting our budget to keep the blue door open and our welcoming lights on has always been an uphill battle, but now, more than ever, we desperately need your help to connect the dots. The fallout from COVID-19 has shaken the stability of our children’s ability to access daily necessities and educational support. Many are getting left behind by the digital divide caused by a lack of access to school-issued technology and internet service. Others are hungry, having historically eaten one or two meals and a nutritious snack at our facility after school and during summer and holiday breaks. Others are alone, possibly unsupervised and afraid of today, tomorrow and the future, faced with the reality that their dreams may never come true. The bottom line is heartbreaking: Kids are falling through the cracks.
In four simple words, we need your support.
The attached wish list to the right provides simple ways to help us connect the dots, ranging from small-dollar opportunities to larger giving options. Every gift is important and appreciated. Every gift will change a life. Every gift will help keep the blue door open. Thank you in advance for supporting this community – your community – as we connect the dots and lift up the precious youth who turn to us for support and the possibility for their dreams to come true.
From our blue door to your office door,
Nicole Chase President & CEO
Please Note: When you give you will be prompted to tip (optional) "Kindest" a percentage; this percentage will not go towards BGCGCV. Kindest is a free platform for non-profit organizations that allows supporters like you to make a difference. If you prefer to send a check, please send to:
Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley Attention: Dianne Downey 11251 Glenoaks Blvd, Pacoima, CA 91331
The Boys & Girls Club of San Fernando Valley is a youth and family-oriented nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the educational, vocational, social, and character developments of boys & girls between the ages of 6 and 17.
Striving to help members and families enhance their lives, the Club offers programs that build self-esteem, social competencies, and positive values. Not only do members meet new friends, but they learn and develop new skills that benefit them a lifetime.
The Boys & Girls Club has a core of career professionals who are culturally sensitive and trained to provide leadership through informal and formal guidance, using individual and small group experiences.
Our mission is to inspire and empower all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.