Help the Fender Play Foundation Equip, Educate and Inspire Young Players
Help the Fender Play Foundation equip, educate and inspire young players. We accomplish this by working with organizations, educators and artists to provide instruments and educational resources to communities.
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation, the world’s leading stringed instrument and amplifier manufacturer launched the Fender Play Foundation to create initiatives that will equip, educate and inspire young players. Established in 2018, the Fender Play Foundation leverages the power of music to inspire and unite humanity across cultural and geographic borders. We firmly believe that music is a universal language that empowers self-expression and community-building everywhere, so we strive to place these inspiring tools in the hands of youth who aspire to play.
Youth who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in school, collaborate with others better, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school longer, and pursue further education. We want to serve as a catalyst for music education. We accomplish this by working in tandem with music-centric non-profit organizations and educators to provide instruments and educational assets to the youth living in underserved communities.
With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre. From beginners and hobbyists to the world’s most acclaimed artists and performers, artists have used Fender instruments and amps, in the process making the company not only a revered music industry name and a cultural icon