Boys & Girls Club of Newark: Monthly Giving!
Through your support, $250,000 will help fund our entire Wellness program for one calendar year! Talk about fostering healthy lifestyles in our youth!
At Boys and Girls Club of Newark (BGCN), our mission is to enable all Newark's youth, especially those who need us most, to become caring, productive, and responsible citizens.
BGCN strives to provide world class programs and services over the course of this year to more than 1,000 young people ages 5-18. After more than 80 years, BGCN continues to work toward fostering and developing integral experiences in different academic and health fields through teaching, training, and utilizing resource-based curricula.
- Passport to Manhood: promoting men's mental and emotional health
- Keystone Club: focusing on academic success, career preparation and community service
- SMART Girls: fostering girl empowerment
- Triple Play: a comprehensive blend of fitness activities to improve physical health, while using a Healthy Habits curriculum to educate our youth on nutrition and making healthy choices
- Learn to Swim: teaching our youth a basic life-saving skill while having fun
- STEM: incorporating competencies that are based in the field of science, math, technology, and engineering to foster creativity and originality, while developing skills to prepare for a workforce in related fields
BGCN’s READY Family Wellness Center provides mental and behavioral health support to youth who suffer from anger, anxiety, ADHD, etc. A full-scale pediatric dental health care is also accessible through the Children’s Dental Center, where dental support has allowed enrolled youth along and their siblings to receive free and low-cost care.
Through dynamic sessions, participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with young adults, children and teens will explore their own personal self-image, societal attitudes and values: as they build skills for healthy eating choices, staying mentally and physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.
Can we count on you to become a monthly giver? We invite you to learn more about everything we have to offer our youth and families by clicking here. Thank you, from the entire BGCN community, for being a supporter, partner, and defining body in helping us Build Great Futures in Newark!
You can designate the Boys & Girls Club of Newark as a beneficiary for assets that may not be included in your will or trust? These are called non-probate assets and may include an IRA, a life insurance policy, or a 401(k). You can use this free resource to learn more and plan your beneficiaries. Give it a try!