The secret is out...
The Storytelling Society is a not-so-secret society made of everyday heroes making a positive difference in the lives of underserved youth.
Storytelling Society Members support PLUS ME monthly and therefore invest in sustaining self-confidence through storytelling for middle and high school students year round.
Join the Storytelling Society TODAY and pledge your continued support by committing to a monthly donation.
Your monthly donation will help sustain PLUS ME, allowing us to plan, expand, and offer more free programs for youth. The steady support allows our lean organization to focus on our mission: changing lives through the power of personal storytelling.
Storytelling Society Member Benefits:
- Receive insider information, recognition, and society only exclusives including:
- Invitations to Storytelling Society only secret events
- Recognition on our website and insider updates from our leadership
- Thank you gifts (Pandemic Perspectives book) and more to follow
PLUS ME Project is a tax-exempt public charity (federal tax ID #46-3506663). All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.