Match for Minmahaw 2021!
Final Goal: $20,000! More GREAT news! We reached our third goal and are running up to complete the entire match. Thanks to ALL of you for your generosity and for caring about every student at Minmahaw School! Be a part of the Match for Minmahaw 2021!
Students from Burma are being taught at the highest level possible despite the pandemic and multiple shut-downs. School year 2021-2022 promises to be another challenge to students, teachers and the community in Mae Sot, Thailand. Safety first for all, then learning is a close second on everyone's mind.
As Minmahaw School's vision states - The New Generation is Our First Priority!
Consider being a part of this community by your thoughtful donation! Education at Minmahaw is a rare stepping stone for many Burmese refugee and migrant young men and women. Their lives are enhanced with the opportunity to study in a critical thinking environment. New skills are learned and tested which enable them to pursue higher education in universities around the world and to prepare them for better paying jobs.
Share the great news that we have a match for this 15th academic year! Contribute here and encourage your friends and family to join you in being a part of the Match for Minmahaw 2021-2022!
Thank you!