Legal expences for case 3:24-cv-00755-JR The article on the website about the need to dredge behind the dam and charge the people with killing fish by ORS 496.705. I talked to a state police trooper in Klamath county. He went to the website and gave me another law violated. He said a trooper who works closer to the dam would need to file the charges. He will send the data to the other officer and have him contact me.
food and fuel for my RV and a place to park it.
Our Story
I knew Steve Cramer since the early 1990's. Steve was working on salmon research as Cramer fish sciences. Through the years Steve and I had talked about the idea of Salmon Protection Devices (SPD) to prevent the sea lions from attacking the salmon as they enter the fish ladders at Bonneville. Unfortunately, Steve passed away of cancer Spring of 2023. In January 2023 I talked with Steve and he said he wasn't going to live much longer and he wanted me to make the SPD a reality. I saw ODFW funding available in December 2023 and applied for it. Then contacted the Army Corp of Engineers. They like the idea and are rushing the Section 408 and Joint application. These normally take one year and they said they will finish in one month. We also received the fish ladder drawings from the Corp. If we receive the funding in April we will try to make and install the first one in December 2024. It will contain a name plate of Steve Cramer.
Then I found out what happened a Green Peter Dam in Western Oregon. It was the wrong solution. I went to the dam with my Sister to take some pictures. I talked with an operator of the dam and he said they dont agree with the judges ruling. Also he said the fish all died because of the extra turbidity. I called Ivan one of the writer of the manuscript and in twenty minites he agreed with me we need to dredge behind the dam. My sister heard him agree.
Then I found out what they are doing the the Klamath dams is wrong. I wrote a document. The Provost at the School where I am dean of College science ( has a degree in journalism. He made the lawsuit and articles perfect.