Give Children with a Life Threatening Illness a Teddy Bear
This amount helps provide enough teddy bears to critically ill children for 6 months
The Joe Joe Bear Foundation was founded in 2009 to provide a new teddy bear to a child suffering with a life threatening illness. This special bear becomes a friend when they are scared and alone, helping reduce stress and provide comfort. This bear can go places their parents cannot; testing and surgery.
Over the years the Foundation has often been asked about resources and help for the care giver, in 2019 a new program was launched to provide the education and support requested. On the foundations website, parents can find information on types of cancer, palliative, hospice care, financial assistance, marital support and so much more as well as a resource area for the sick child and siblings.
The education program gives everyone easy access to the needed resources without the time consuming searching and not knowing where to look. This will help reduce the stress levels of the care giver. When the care giver shows less stress the child is less stressed.
Over 40,000 teddy bears have been gifted to children since 2009 and growing at a rate of 350-400 bears every month.